Beautiful, high-end, Magazine worthy styled stock photos for wedding planners & event planners The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, and wedding bells are ringing… Our latest styled stock photo collection, Spring Wedding, is our first official Haute Stock release of the new season! In these soft & elegant wedding stock images, we […]
Cuddle Time Collection This mom and baby styled stock photo collection features a gorgeous neutral color palette and is perfect for showcasing the reality of a mom’s day-to-day life, caring for her kiddos while also growing her business. Chasing toddlers, keeping up with laundry, helping with homework, ALL while running a business?! It takes superwoman […]
Finding good travel stock photos can be hard, especially if you love softer color palettes and want imagery not of exotic places, but of packing, prepping for a trip, suit cases, and spending time chilling in an AirBnB, but that’s excactly what we’ve captured in our Jet Setter collection. Sure, there are […]
A lush yet laid-back home office styled stock photo collection in deep green hues and soft wood tones This deep emerald green and natural wood home office stock photo collection is perfect for brands that want to make a statement with bold visuals that still feel friendly and down-to-earth. Here are some ways […]
Use these pastel gradient backgrounds and Canva templates to create social media graphics While it’s true that we’re more about timeless vs. trendy when it comes to design, there’s one trend we really couldn’t ignore any longer…GRADIENTS! You’ve probably been seeing gradients in designs all over the place (Instagram’s logo is just one example). This […]
Our styled stock photo collection, Creative Collab, serves as a celebration of collaboration!Strong women are even stronger together, and this collection highlights the bond between women when they come together to create something beautiful.Bold shades of Burgundy and muted hues of grey & dusty rose serve as the backdrop of this collection that […]
modern red office flatlay & desktop stock images perfect for brands that want to make a bold statement Want your brand color palette to include colorful pops of red with a modern minimal spin? Look no further than our Candy Apple workspace & flatlay stock photo collection! This bright red collection of stock photos […]
Looking for romantic stock images of a couple celebrating love in paris? Look no further than L’amour! Celebrate love with these sweet Valentine’s Day stock images of red heart balloons, an embracing couple, and romantic images of Paris, the city of love. L’amour is a Valentine’s Day inspired stock photo collection shot in […]
Our Staycation stock photo collection combines boho vibes with muted pink hues that highlight the perfect, cozy day at home. The images are also a subtle nod to Valentine’s Day stock photos! Inside this beautiful blush pink and neutrals stock photo collection you’ll find elevated home office images, images of soft pink & […]
A creative workspace stock photo collection featuring soft blues, greys and whites. These feminine stock images are perfect for graphic and website designers, bloggers, and coaches. When we released our Cards & Calligraphy collection and Brilliant Blue stock photo collection, our members loved the blue hues & asked for more like it! Which is […]
If you’re looking for airy images of self-care, skin-care routines, and beauty, look no further than this beautiful new collection of stock photos Ease into the day with these serene stock photos that feature a woman waking up in her bedroom and slowly starting her morning with a gentle routine of stretching, journaling […]