The premium stock photo, stock video & template membership that gives you access to high-quality creative marketing content for entrepreneurs.
Create An Irresistible Brand
limited time monthly offer
You can't beat this price!
Find on-brand images in minutes
grow on social with video
Save time with templates
stop doubting your design skills
With thousands of carefully curated stock assets to choose from, you’ll be able to create a cohesive brand and grow your business online.
Perfect for business owners that want a DESIGNER brand on a DIY budget.
*If you don’t love it, you can cancel your membership any time. But we think you’ll love it!
Like most beginner entrepreneurs, thinking that you'd be able to patch together a brand. So what if it's a bunch of random images from the internet, it's FREE!
But that excitement quickly turns to overwhelm when you realize that most of them don't really feel on-brand (and what does on-brand mean anyway?).
There's no way to filter by color or style, and you're actually feeling a little disturbed by some of the weird search results you just pulled up.
Hours later you've found a couple of ok images but you're feeling simultanously overwhelmed and underwhelmed (how's that even possible anyway?) and you're ready to give up and use those blurry images you took on your iphone instead.
But there is a better way! What if searching for stock photos was actually easy and enjoyable?
Hey friend, we see you...
Let’s face it, modern marketing is complicated. And using random free images just won't cut it.
That’s why Haute Stock is about so much more than stock photos.
While other sites focus on solely on social media, or provide only stock photos - a Haute Stock membership gives you more.
We'll help you build a brand you're proud of + attracts your ideal audience with ease.
You'll get access to everything you need: from gorgeous stock photos and stock videos, to marketing templates that have been professionally curated to help you easily you create cohesive content across ALL your marketing channels.
"Images are a big part of how to set yourself apart in the online world, having access to a library full of high quality images that look like they are coming from any luxury magazine is a real shortcut to success. It gives my business a vibe of quality that is priceless. "
what our members are saying:
Josephine, Design by Josephine
Tired of the same old templates everyone else is using? Get hundreds of exclusive designs made by professional designers + marketers.
Video is no longer a nice-to-have, it's a must-have. Keep up with the changing world of marketing with our stunning & simple to use videos.
Our mission is to make stock photos that look like they've come from a luxury magazine, not some stuffy corporate boardroom.
we've created a beautiful & affordable alternative
Forget everything you think you know about stock imagery
Ana Shevchun
I highly recommend Haute Stock to anyone who’s looking for stylish stock images. They do not look like your typical “stock”, it’s almost like you cut them out of Vogue.
The collections are amazing, I’ve never seen such fabulous photos in any other membership.
Melissa Guller
I'm critical about every dollar I spend on my business, but Haute Stock is one of the few memberships I could never cancel. I'm amazed by both the quality and quantity of beautiful stock images and design assets they put out every month. Thanks to Haute Stock, I not only have a brand that I'm proud of, but a partner-in-design that has helped my business evolve over time.
I feel strange even calling it "stock footage" because I feel like they were curated perfectly for my podcast and online business!
Ashleigh Hutchinson
As a business owner, I use a lot of stock photos and would spend HOURS to DAYS searching the web for the perfect images. I dreaded it. Haute Stock is so convenient for me. It saves time, money, and actually makes the process enjoyable! And the customer service is great, that's a plus for me. I highly recommend!
The collections are amazing. And this has hands down been one of the best investments I've made to date for my business.
If you're ready to take your brand to the next level with imagery that matches your messaging across all your marketing channels, Haute Stock is the membership for you!
save time finding stock assets and creating all your marketing materials
Create cohesive graphics without overwhelm by using expertly designed templates
Save money by not having to hire a designer, photog, and marketing expert to launch your brand
Feel confident knowing that your brand looks fabulous across all your marketing channels
Finally launch your offer of business knowing you have the visuals you need to craft your online presence
Haute Stock is Right for You
if you want to:
When you're ready, upgrade to a quarterly or annual plan to unlock unlimited downloads, or stay on the monthly plan, it's your choice!
Unlock Unlimited Downloads
Update Your Branding
Refresh your website, create social posts, or finally pull together that lead magnet you've been wanting to create! Use all your download credits each month or let them roll over.
Use Your 30 Downloads
Filter by brand color or search through curated collections to find and download on-brand imagery in minutes. You'll have 30 Download Credits per month to use on the best-fit assets.
Get Instant Access
You'll get instant access to the entire library to our stock images, stock videos and templates. You'll also be able to access our training & design tutorials.
The Best Way to See if Haute Stock is Right for Your Brand is to Experience it for Yourself
try it now for only $49
Hold up, wait a minute!
Designed for you to be able to test out the membership at a lower price point and commitment (or for those who only need a few stock assets every month). The monthly plan comes with 30 download credits that you can use to download stock photos (1 credit each), stock videos (2 credits each), graphics packs (2 credits each) or marketing templates (3 credits each).
Any unused credits will roll over and accumulate as long as you are a member. So if you only use 20 credits in month one, in month two you'll start off with 40 credits. If you decide to cancel, you must use all your credits before your account expires.
Haute Stock was created for women entrepreneurs who serve a predominately female audience. Our images are high-quality and have an editorial vibe. They're created to help you elevate your brand and work for almost any industry.
You'll find imagery (stock photos, stock videos, graphics & templates) for all kinds of industries including: coaches, course creators, consultants, designers, virtual assistants, social media managers, realtors, and more.
Here's What you Get When You Join Us Today!
✓ Set your brand colors for quick filtering through the library
✓ Explore professionally curated mood boards to get inspired
✓ Browse by industry related categories or search by keyword
✓ Create an aesthetic that elevates your brand with our premium images
High-Quality Stock Photos
carefully curated collections
✓ Use on Instagram and other social platforms or for website headers & YouTube
✓ A growing video library so you can stay on top of video content trends
✓ Easily create Reels, IG Stories, sales & promotional graphics and much more!
Vertical & Horizontal Video
created for web & social
Drag and drop to create on-brand marketing materials in minutes by using our professionally designed Canva templates for:
✓ Instagram Reels, Posts & Stories
✓ Pinterest Pins & Blog Post Graphics
✓ Workbooks, Webinars PDFs & Presentations
✓ Sales & Promotions … and more!
Done For You Templates
customizable in canva
Want the best photographers, videographers, graphic designers and marketing experts on your team? That's exactly what you'll get as a Haute Stock member!
As the original styled stock library for women entrepreneurs, we've been leading the industry since 2015.
Haute Stock is the trusted stock membership for thousands of women-owned brands who want high-quality marketing content at an affordable price.
With our creative team on your side, you'll be able to show up online with confidence, knowing your visuals match the quality of your offers.
Content Creators & Marketers Working for You
meet your creative team
"I wanted to say thank you for all of the resources, tutorials, and of course pictures that you provide. They have been the backbone to creating the look and feel of my online business. The curated collection you created for me was perfect and I continue to lean on your suggestions. I truly feel that my Haute Stock membership is one of the best business decisions I’ve made and will continue to make each year moving forward."
"Before Haute Stock, I was spending days batching work and taking photos when the lighting was right. As my business grew this method was just not cutting it and taking way too much time. That’s when I came across Haute Stock and what I love about it is that you can make it your own by cropping elements, making adjustments and mixing the assets together with your own brand photography."
"I've been using images and videos from Haute Stock for the past year in my website, sales pages, Instagram content and even inside my trainings and they have been incredibly effective in the marketing of my business! Not only that, having one place where we can find high quality images that are aligned with what works in digital content today is the gift that keeps on giving!"
"I absolutely love Haute Stock. I am a photographer, but I don't have time to create perfectly curated images to use, because I'm busy working with my own clients. I love that Haute Stock provides beautiful images I can use to really elevate my content. I love the incredible variety Haute Stock offers, and every image is picture perfect. I have been a loyal member for several years."
Frequently Asked Questions
you may be wondering about some things
There are so many ways to use Haute Stock's assets! You can use them to market your business on social media, to build your website, sales page, landing pages or as blog posts. You can use them to create presentation slides to deliver educational content, to create workbooks, or lead magnets to grow your list, or in your promos!
There are a few ways you cannot use the stock assets. Most importantly, you CANNOT share, sell, give away, or create derivative products from the assets. They are yours to use for your own marketing, NOT to use for clients or customers, or to include in templates that you sell or give away for free.
For the full asset license, please read here.
MONTHLY MEMBERS: you'll receive 30 download credits to start and 30 new credits each month you're a member. Any unused credits will roll over and accumulate each month as long as you're a member.
You can upgrade to a Quarterly or Annual plan at any time to unlock unlimited downloads!
Yes! You can continue to use all the photos you downloaded during your paid membership. Anything you downloaded up to the point that your membership expires is yours to use as long as you want for the same business.
If you cancel, your membership will remain active until the end of your subscription term. After that date, you will no longer be billed and your account will be deactivated.
Please note, if you do not wish for your membership to renew, you will need to cancel before the renewal date. No refunds will be given if you forget to cancel before your membership renews.
You will need an Extended Commercial License to use our images for clients or in templates.
If you are interested in this option, please contact us for more information.
Without purchasing the Extended Commercial License you are NOT allowed to use Haute Stock images & assets for any client work or in templates you design.