If you’re a realtor, interior designer, or home organizing expert looking for beautiful home interior photos for your brand, scroll down now!
Haute Stock members asked for more interior stock photos and we were more than happy to make that happen!
As you’ll see when you scroll down for the preview, this is a very versatile home & lifestyle stock photo collection.
Depending on the stock images you use, you can pull a range of color palettes, and create many different social media or blog posts about interior design, decor, beauty, self-care, and more!
This collection was captured by Michelle Johnson of @mjay.photography, whose work has been featured in major publications such as Architectural Digest, House & Home magazine and Style at Home.
Michelle has created many collections for Haute Stock. You’ll probably recognize some of your favorite images created by her in our Behind the Lens post, where you can learn more about Michelle and her passion for photography!
Once we saw how the images for this stock photo collection came together, we landed on the name Simply Zen — the entire collection just feels so light, airy, and spacious with earthy elements like the sage greens, wood textures and blossoms that give us those zen vibes.
Want more interiors, styling and decor content? This collection coordinates beautifully with our Creative Studio
Click through gallery below:
Earthy and Zen Home Interior Stock Photos
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