‘Tis time to get cozy this holiday season! If you’re looking for the perfect collection of stock photos and videos to enhance your holiday visuals, look no further. Introducing the Cozy Christmas collection, filled with images that capture the essence of the season – overflowing cups of hot chocolate, stacks of presents, twinkling tree lights, and moments of (much needed) relaxation from the holiday hustle and bustle.

Cozy Christmas features soft, warm imagery in a traditional green palette. These visuals not only represent the holiday season but also embrace diversity by featuring a model of color.
Perfect for creating holiday-themed graphics and social media posts, this collection offers a wide range of options to choose from!
Cozy Christmas also includes holiday videos. These videos are not only visually engaging but also timely for the current social media trends. Take advantage of these videos to create engaging Reels on Instagram. Simply add your text directly in the app and pair it with trending audio for a quick and easy way to keep up with your posting goals during this busy season.

No matter what your holiday style is — bright & bold, warm & cozy, cool & effortless — there are so many seasonal image and video options in the Haute Stock library to choose from.
Get cozy AND creative with the Cozy Christmas holiday stock photos and videos collection — sign up for Haute Stock now!
And take a peek at the fun green holiday stock videos!
Warm & Cozy Christmas Stock Imagery
Sign up for a subscription to the exclusive Haute Stock library and get access to thousands of styled stock images, social media graphics, customizable Canva templates and designer branding elements!