Hey there, creatives! If you’ve been eagerly anticipating a burst of color in your visual content, the wait is over. We are thrilled to introduce Millennial Pink, our latest collection of feminine, pink workspace stock videos & photos.

We are excited to share that not only do we have 18 new stunning stock photos in this collection, but we’ve also rolled out 19 captivating stock videos. This means so much content for you to choose from, bringing a refreshing pop of pink to your brand aesthetics.
It’s been ages since we’ve done pink inside the library, and it was definitely well overdue. Our fantastic photog, Jenna Hill, worked her magic to capture the essence of your everyday scenes. Think casual workspaces, the satisfying click-clack of typing, pouring and stirring of drinks, fresh florals and of course, all the tech – all dipped in that Millennial Pink goodness.

The pop of pink is a timely add for Valentine’s Day promos and launches. Whether you’re gearing up for Valentine’s Day promos or just want to infuse some springtime vibes into your visuals, this playful, feminine workspace stock photos & videos collection has got your back. 🌷
Plus, we’re really excited to see a refreshing pop of Millennial Pink breaking up the home scroll on Insta.
Curious about the pink vibes? Take a sneak peek and preview the captivating Millennial Pink’s aesthetic stock videos now!
And if you’re looking for a vintage pink look, check out Vintage Pink Videos for Edits below:
Sign up for Haute Stock today and snag exclusive access to the full Millennial Pink collection. It’s time to let your creativity bloom!
Feminine Workspace Stock Imagery
Sign up for a subscription to the exclusive Haute Stock library and get access to thousands of styled stock images, social media graphics, customizable Canva templates and designer branding elements!

This collection is just so chic and stunning!
Agreed! So nice to have a pop of pink back in the library!