One of the most common questions we get asked is, “How do I find the right stock photos for my brand?”
We get it, you’re tried of searching through free stock sites with millions of so-so images only to come up short.
That’s exactly why we created Haute Stock! Not only are our images carefully curated and selected based on high quality and a modern feminine aesthetic, but we’ve custom built our stock photo site with feedback from our members.
Over the years we’ve learned from our members how they like to filter and search for images, what types of images they use for their brands, and the keywords they’re typing into search.
We’ve taken that feedback to heart in order to create a quick, simple, and fun way to search for stock photos.
So, if you’re still struggling with on-brand imagery, scroll down for our best tips on finding the right photos (and even some that you didn’t even know you needed to have)!
Start by filtering for your brand colors
One of the most impactful ways to build a cohesive and memorable brand is through the use of color. That’s why starting your search for the perfect brand photos by using a color filter is important.
Start by looking for your main one or two brand colors and download the stock images that work best for your brand.
We make it super easy to find on-brand stock photos via the color filter inside the Haute Stock library!
Pro Tip: Search for neutral stock photos in addition to your brand colors so you can mix and match for a more balanced Instagram feed or website visuals!
Browse by image categories
Categories make it quick to find stock images within a particular industry.
That’s why we’ve organized our images into easy to find categories like health & wellness, product mockups, seasonal, fashion & beauty and more.
Are you a Real Estate pro? Browse the Architecture & Interiors category for images of home interiors and cityscapes.
Life coach for busy moms running their own business? Select the Motherhood & Workspace categories to find images of moms working from home, playing with kids, or helping with homework.
Browse by collections of stock photo images
Not sure exactly what type of feminine stock images you want but looking for inspiration?
Browsing by stock photo collection is sure to unlock your creativity!
At Haute Stock, each collection of stock images is carefully curated to feel cohesive & tell a story.
We select only the best images to be featured inside our collections, so you can ditch the overwhelm and decision fatigue, we’ve done the hard work for you!
Love a collection? Download the images and use them across your website, marketing & social media for a professional and cohesive online presence!
Search for stock photos with your brand words
What’s your brand mood? Is it bold, vibrant and fun? Or is it romantic, luxurious and feminine?
Enter your brand tone / vibe words into the search bar and see what comes up! You’ll probably find images you hadn’t thought of before!
The images in the Haute Stock library are tagged for easy searching of brand tone keywords to help you quickly find images in the vibe you’re looking for.
This is a great way to find cohesive images that really showcase the feeling you want your audience to have when they interact with your brand.
Search for stock photos that represent your audience
Tried everything above and still not quite there with on-brand images? Try expanding your options by making a list of all the activities that your ideal client loves to do that aren’t necessarily related to your offer.
Does she love reading, self-care and shopping? Search the library for those terms and download images that will help you connect with your audience on a deeper, more personal level.
Bonus Tip: remember that for even more options, you can filter for neutral colored images that you can mix and match with images in your brand color palette or incorporate into your branded graphics for a polished feel.

Make your search for on-brand images so much easier!
Sign up to get instant access to our entire visual content library of thousands of styled stock photos, stock videos, Canva templates, done-for-you social media quote graphics, exclusive design assets, and social media marketing guides.