At Haute Stock we know that running a styled stock photography membership site is about more than just taking pretty pictures.
What we really do is empower women business owners to show up, stand out, and grow their online businesses.
We do that by creating styled stock images that are both stylish & strategic and that can be used across a variety of online platforms to build and grow a recognizable brand.
In this post, we’re breaking down all the places you can use styled stock photography in your online (and offline) marketing to grow your business.

We want to help you make over your marketing + Grow your business
1/ Launch your Website
Look like professional from the start by using our styled stock photos on your website. Whether your launching a new site, or just need a refresh, our images are perfect for website headers and hero images, sidebar graphics, buttons, and so much more.
Plus, it’s super easy to find beautiful brand imagery with a Haute Stock Membership. We have extensive search and filter features (hello brand colors) so that you can find the perfect images for your brand quickly and easily! You can save EVEN MORE TIME by using our designer-made website templates (like the ones featured below).
2/ Make More Sales
Use our stylish stock photo mockups to display your designs and make more sales.
Display your branding portfolio on a computer mockup, product designs on our mug or print mockups, or your invitation designs on our stationery mockups, the possibilities are endless!

3/ Show up on Social Media
The best way to grow your social media following is to post consistently. But it can be so stressful and overwhelming to find images to post
Not anymore! With Haute Stock you’ll have instant access to thousands of scroll-stopping stock photos + new images weekly!
4/ Publish your Blog Posts
You’ll always have the right images to hit publish on that post, girlfriend! You take care of the compelling content, we’ll take care of the inspiring visuals.
Create Pinterest-worthy blog post graphics in minutes by cropping our images to the perfect vertical ratio and adding your text overlays.

5/ Drive More Traffic
Create ads like the pros without the huge creative budget. Our images will help you design eye-catching ads for Facebook and Instagram and to create Pinterest worthy graphics in no time.
Edit the images to create the perfect design for the platform your advertising on, whether it’s a square, vertical or horizontal graphic, you’ll find what you’re looking for in the library.

6/ Polish your Presentations
Need a little something to make your slides look stunning? Use our stock photos in the background to add interest to keep your audience wanting more.
You can also use our images in the background of your workbooks and checklists to add that extra little flair that will keep them looking professional and on-brand.
7/ Strategic Email Marketing
Your email marketing list is an owned marketing channel that has been shown to consistently deliver a high ROI! Stand out in your readers’ inbox with gorgeous visuals.
We know we’re guilty of deleting emails that are super text heavy without even getting past the first sentence (simply because we don’t have the time). That’s why we know how important it is to get our readers attention ASAP before they can hit that delete button and miss all the useful information that you have to share!
Create cohesive graphics for your email sequences to show your potential clients that you know what you’re talking about, you’re professional and you can stand out in the crowd!