Natural Wellness & Beauty Stock Images

Filed in Stock Images — June 14, 2021

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Natural wellness & beauty styled stock photography featuring essential oils, spa imagery & eco friendly self-care.

Here at Haute Stock, we started off our June styled stock photo collection releases with a beautiful new collection called Natural Wellness.

One peak at the new stock images and you’ll know why — from the neutral color palette infused with pops of green, orange and grey to the minimal photography styling and modern vibes, this stock photo collection is perfect for health & wellness brands looking for elevated imagery.

Even if you’re not in a wellness or beauty niche, we can see the images being used on Instagram for posts related to your hobbies, healthy habits, or lifestyle goals.

Natural Wellness Stock Photos

Want stock imagery that feels editorial, high-end and looks like it has been naturally styled? Then look no further than our Natural Wellness collection!

These images can be used by beauty brands, essential oil sellers, hair salons, makeup and skincare product creators and so much more!

This collection introduces you to new contributors: Silke from ZebraJojo Photography in Singapore and Anna Kova Photography with styling by FleuRich Creations in the Okanagan, Canada.

We’ll be releasing more of their images in the coming weeks and months, in addition to releases from our other contributors!

We love being able to bring you the best images from talented photographers and stylists around the world. Your membership is not only an investment in your business, but also helps to support creative women entrepreneurs from around the globe!

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