Post About Spring Cleaning:
With Spring right around the corner, many of us are wanting to refresh and rejuvenate our spaces. Now is the perfect time to post about Spring cleaning, home organizing and how to refresh decor.
Post about your organizing plans, and how you tackle Spring cleaning in your home or office.
Do a before / after post of your room(s) that you’ve cleaned and organized. If this doesn’t quite fit with your feed, go ahead and post on Stories!
Post tips about how to get more organized in your business or how to “clean up” areas of your business such as files, receipts, on-boarding processes, etc.
Ask your audience to share their Spring cleaning tips & what they’ll be doing.
Post about your Spring decorating tips, easy ways to freshen up your space, or what you do to celebrate Spring in your home or with your family.
Post your clean home tips or clean eating tips.
Post About Women’s Day & Women’s History Month:
March marks Women’s History Month and International Women’s day (#iwd2020, #internationalwomensday) on March 8th.
Get more information about International Women’s Day on their website.
List your favorite women business owners or female-run companies and share them with your audience.
Post about significant women in history and how they have inspired you.
Post quotes from influential women authors, speakers, and thinkers.
Share your favorite podcasts hosted by women.
Share about your experiences working with other women entrepreneurs and how we can better support each other.
Post about a woman in your community who is making a difference and share her story with your audience.
Share your favorite female authors, singers, speakers, artists or activists.
We released a new #internationalwomensday collection of InstaQuotes in the Haute Stock library last month in preparation for Women’s History Month.
Quotes are always popular types of posts to share on social media.
Take them one step further by writing a caption related to the quote that shares your personal story, journey, or why you find this quotes resonates with you.
This month’s Haute Stock member bonus Canva templates (see image to the left) are also inspired by celebrating women – these templates are fully editable, or you can use most as is. Post them all month long to celebrate the women who inspire you.
You can change fonts, colors, copy and layout, so make them your own, or use them as is, it’s up to you!
Post About Travel:
And lastly, March is also usually the time we start thinking about traveling or may have kids who are already on break. Although, Covid has put a temporary hold on a lot of our plans, there are still ways to keep your inner jet-setter alive.
Share your favorite places to travel that you’ve already visited & can’t wait to return to.
Share your travel or experience bucket list and ask your followers to do the same.
Share your top tips for keeping kids busy during Spring break, especially if they’re doing online schooling. What are you doing create a real break for them even though their environment might not be changing.
Share your favorite staycation gems. Support you favorite local destinations to help out businesses during this time.
Share your favorite travel memories.
Post About Daily Routines:
Spring is a natural time to want to refresh, cleanse, and simplify, so it’s a great time to share your healthy habit tips and daily routine with your followers.
Your morning routine that helped you with motivation and productivity. Ask your followers to share theirs.
What a typical “day in the life” looks like for you.
Share your healthy eating or workout routines.
Share your productivity tips or hacks for working from home. Ask your followers which tip they’ll try incorporating.
Share how you practice self-care daily. Ask your followers what they do.
Post about what you read or listen to on a daily basis.
Post About Getting Organized:
With the end of the 1st quarter and tax season coming up, your followers will likely have organizing their business on their mind. If you can offer tips on how to organize finances, files, receipts, or create better work flow, March is the perfect month for a reminder!
The Workspace Category in the Haute Stock library will definitely have you covered for imagery related to desktop organizing. You can also search for keywords such as financials, planner, to-do list, and so on.
You can also check out the Interiors Category for home organizing, or use keywords such as clothes if you want to post about organizing your wardrobe!
Post on Micro-Holidays:
There are so many national micro-holidays in March and we created this handy calendar below.
Haute Stock members can download this calendar in the Member Hub and click on the hashtag under the holiday name to be linked directly to the Haute Stock images that are relevant to that hashtag!
Mirco-holidays are fun, easy topics to post about on your social media!
Watch Our March Social Media Guide Video if You Prefer Visuals:
Members get Monthly Caption Guides: for more ideas on what to post each month, make sure that you check out the monthly caption prompts in the Haute Stock library!
Designed to work for any brand, the prompts will help you generate ideas for what to post, plus you’ll get recommended images & collections to help you save even more time on social media!