Your social media strategy can be based on growing brand awareness and nurturing your audience – but don’t forget to promote your offers!

If you’re not using social media to sell, you’re leaving money on the table.
Social media is a powerful tool for growing your brand awareness and building your community, but it’s also a great way to promote your offers and sell your products or services. If you’re not using social media to sell, you’re missing out on potential revenue.
We hear from a lot of business owners, that they feel sleazy, spammy or pushy when selling on social media. But it doesn’t have to feel that way! In this post, we share tips for how to sell on social media without feeling pushy or inauthentic.
Selling on social media without feeling salesy is a bit of a mindset shift. It’s not all about pushing BUY NOW graphics. Instead, create content that is both informational and interesting for your audience.
Even if you’re not in a launch, you can share your own transformation and results, the results you’ve helped clients achieve, and social proof on a regular basis. Share this type of content in addition to valuable, educational, or inspirational content. Then, when you’re in a launch or promotional period, you can create content more geared toward sales.
When using Instagram to sell, we recommend using various post types. Create Reels, carousels and Stories to get the most views and connect with your audience in different ways.
Ways to Sell on Instagram
Sell in Stories and Create a Highlight
One of the best ways to sell on social media is to use your Stories to showcase your products, services, or offers. Since Stories only last 24 hours, we recommend saving them to your Highlights so that they can be found anytime. This acts like a mini sales page for someone new landing on your feed. They won’t have to search everywhere to find out what you offer and how you can help them.
Create a Carousel and Pin It to the Top of Your Feed
Another great way to promote your offers is to create a carousel that showcases how people can work with you or buy from you. That way, you’ll make sure that anyone new who lands on your feed can find out more about what you sell.
Create Content That Supports Your Sales Page
Create social media posts that expand on your sales page. For example, you can create a Reel featuring your client transformations. Then, share a carousel that outlines the features of your offer. And share a Story that deep dives into the the benefits. Take this information right from your sales page and tweak it for the type of post you want to create.
Here are tips to create high-performing social media graphics to sell more:

Share Your Transformation Story
Share a little bit about yourself and your transformation story as it relates to your clients.
What’s unique about your past experiences, education, or training that will allow you to help them get the results they’re looking for? Storytelling will help you build trust with your audience.
Introduce Your Offer
What’s the big promise or outcome you’re going to help them achieve? What’s the unique method, process, or system that you’ll use to get your clients/customers results?
Introduce your offer in a clear and concise way that makes it easy for your audience to understand.

Share Your Promise
Paint a picture of a desired outcome and how you can help buyers achieve it. Pick out the most important promises and explain them in your graphics.
When it comes to selling a product or service, it is important to not only highlight the features and benefits, but also to paint a vivid picture of the desired outcome. By doing so, potential buyers can better understand how your product or service can help them achieve their goals.
Talk About The Benefits
Explain the benefits and how your offer will help them achieve this benefit.
You can either explain one benefit per story, or create a round-up of the main benefits and put them into one graphic like this example.

Explain What’s Inside
Creating graphics that showcase what is inside your program is a great way to get people excited for everything they get when they invest!
With a mockup visual, you can screenshot pages from inside your course, your slide deck, or examples of templates that are included.
Call Out The Savings
If you have a special offer happening for a seasonal sale or a launch of your offer, this is a good time to call it out in the graphics.
Add banners, icons or frames to create attention around the savings so that people know they should sign up now or experience FOMO!

Share Testimonials
Social proof is essential for building trust and giving people the confidence they need to invest in your offer.
Make sure you include testimonial graphics as part of your Instagram Stories strategy. This can be simple graphics with a quote pulled from a customer, or video testimonials from buyers.
Create Desire & Add a CTA
Use strong copy in your graphics to encourage interest and taking action. Headers with questions, pain points or strong promises capture attention.
Create your CTAs (calls-to-action) in bold brand colors so that people know what to click on and what you want them to do next.

Success Stories & Transformations
In addition to testimonials, showcasing client / customer success stories is an essential part of building buyer confidence.
Include graphics in your Instagram Stories that showcase client success or round up quotes related to a transformation you’re promising the buyer.
By following these tips, you can promote your offers effectively and authentically so that selling on social media doesn’t feel overly sales. Just remember to focus on building a community through nurturing your audience with valuable content, and sprinkle in promotional content into the mix.
If you want to get even more value out of your social media marketing, consider becoming a Haute Stock member to access our exclusive social media marketing templates!
If you want the actual marketing templates you can use to sell your offer on social media, you’ll find the exact social media marketing template we featured in this Reel to create carousels and the Stories version inside the Haute Stock member library. These Canva templates can be edited and customized for your branding in a matter of minutes.
The best part? You don’t have to wonder how to sell on social strategically or what to post. We’ve taken care of it all for you in the marketing templates we offer for Haute Stock members!