Coastal Grandma: Mature Women Collaboration Stock Photos

Filed in Stock Images — October 5, 2023

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For entrepreneurs serving a 50+ audience, don’t miss this collection of two mature women collaboration stock photos.

Lovingly called Coastal Grandma thanks to its laid-back atmosphere and casual fashion style, this collection of mature women collaboration stock photos has a light and airy feel in a fresh blue color palette.

Say goodbye to what comes up when you search “mature women working” — these images are like a breath of fresh air and showcase mature women collaboration stock photos in a whole new light!

Coastal Grandma highlights mature women working together in an airy office studio. From goal setting, to interviewing each other, to journaling, easily capture the attention of your audience with these beautiful blue workspace images.

Channeling a healthy lifestyle vibe (think: lots of green smoothies and detoxing teas), Coastal Grandma tells the story of two mature friends who have gone on a journey of entrepreneurship together. And are now dedicated to learning and sharing their knowledge with others!

Whether your audience is a mix of ages or you only serve those who are 50+, there’s something for everyone in this light and airy stock photo collection. The overall feel of these mature women collaboration stock photos is happy, hopeful, and inspired. Something all entrepreneurs need reminding of every once in a while!

Whether you’re a business or life coach, wellness enthusiast, or teach others how to monetize their unique knowledge, use the collaboration stock photos in Coastal Grandma to help you share your brand message and attract your audience.

These light and airy stock photos will help you create gorgeous client onboarding PDFs, attention-grabbing presentation slides, a welcoming website, and so much more.


Do you want more stock photos with mature women? Check out these collections in Haute Stock library:

Airy Collaboration Stock Photos

Sign up for a subscription to the exclusive Haute Stock library and get access to thousands of styled stock images, social media graphics, customizable Canva templates and designer branding elements!

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