Your complete guide to what to post on Instagram in January 2021
If you struggle with what to post on Instagram, you’re not alone!
For many business owners, creating copy for Instagram captions is their number one struggle and a big reason why they don’t post as much as they want to.
When you don’t post consistently, you lose the opportunity to connect with your audience, stay top-of-mind and grow your brand.
That’s why we wanted to help you generate some ideas for topics to post about on Instagram in January 2021.
Post about Health, Wellness, Fitness and Workouts
It’s no secret that this is the month for people to want to start a healthier lifestyle, so why not meet them where they’re at and with what they’re already thinking about?
Health & Wellness Stock Photos
A quick search in the Health & Wellness Category within the Haute Stock Membership library gives you hundreds of image options in a variety of colorways.
We love this unique color palette of green, yellow, blush and black using images from several of our collections.
When looking for health & wellness stock photos you can search for terms like self-care, reading, journaling, exercise, nutrition, healthy food, healthy habits and more.
Our favourite health & wellness stock photos for bloggers and entrepreneurs
click on the thumbnails below to see a preview of these Haute Stock collections
You don’t have to be in the Health/Wellness field to post about ideas and issues relating to self-care, health and motivation:
As a business coach, you could post about how important it is to set yourself up for success with the proper nutrition and exercise
Or you could post about your morning routine that helps you stay focused and accomplish more throughout the day
Post a pic and add a inspirational quote that helps keep you inspired
Ask your audience about their goals for 2021 and share yours
Post your morning routine, your favorite healthy recipe, or how you un-wind after a long day
Post about why you’re not choosing to start a new diet in the new year
Fitness Stock Photos
One way to narrow down your search within the Haute Stock library is to select the Health & Wellness Category and then filter the stock images by your brand colors.
That’s how found with these monochromatic fitness stock photos used in this moodboard.
One of our favorite workout collections is Healthy Habits.
Post about Home Organizing, De-cluttering, Purging and your Winter Wardrobe
Everyone has fresh starts and clean slates on their mind in January, so it’s the perfect time to post about organizing your home and purging old items to make space for abundance in your life.
Home Organizing Stock Photos
Our Interiors & Architecture Category is a great place to start for these kinds of posts, but you can also browse by collection and to find releases such as Slow Living, Refresh, Laundry & Bath, and Coastal Kitchen featured in the mood board.
Our favourite home organizing stock photos for bloggers and entrepreneurs
click on the thumbnails below to see a preview of these Haute Stock collections
You can tailor your messaging depending on your expertise and your audience, here are some post ideas:
How to declutter your home room-by-room
How to organize your home office to increase your productivity
Why you’re creating a winter capsule wardrobe or your winter clothing must-haves
How to switch to environmentally better products for your home/skin
Which plants will brighten up your space during winter
Why purging your old, unwanted items can help you make space in your life for abundance
Share a behind-the-scenes or in-progress photo of your de-cluttering process (you can also share this in Stories!)
Post about Productivity, Goal Setting, Systems and Organization in your Business
The New Year has everyone focused on achieving more, but with less stress. January is the perfect time to post your time-saving tips, your thoughts on how to stay organized in your business, your advice for setting smart goals, and how to plan your day/week for maximum productivity.
Planning & Goal Setting Stock Photos
Type a keyword into the search bar in the Haute Stock library like planner, goal, agenda, journal, desk, office, or workspace.
Then, filter by color to find images that are a match for your brand. You can also filter by images that have tech/no tech or people/no people depending on what you want to post.
Our favourite planning & goal setting stock photos for bloggers and entrepreneurs
click on the thumbnails below to see a preview of these Haute Stock collections
Here are some more ideas of what to post about productivity, goal setting and systems:
Share your top three tips for staying productive
Post a list of your favorite apps for running your business
Post “a day in the life” to show your followers how you structure your day and ask them how they structure theirs
Share a time saving tip
Share a money saving tip
Post something for #motivationmonday or empowering quotes for entrepreneurs
Do an Instagram Stories video showing the behind-the-scenes of your office space
Share your business goals for 2021 and ask your audience to do the same
Productivity & Workspace Stock Photos
The largest single category in the Haute Stock library, you’ll find thousands of images in Workspace. Filter by your brand colors and preferences to narrow your search and find images relevant to your posts!
This pretty blue mood board uses just a few of our favorite home office, workspace and desktop collections. There are literally thousands of home office and workspace stock images in the Haute Stock library in a variety of colors!
Our favourite productivity & workspace stock photos for bloggers and entrepreneurs
click on the thumbnails below to see a preview of these Haute Stock collections
Post a Motivational, Inspirational or Funny Quote
Quotes are always popular types of posts to share on social media. Take them one step further by writing a caption related to the quote that shares your personal story, journey, or why you find this quotes resonates with you.
There are hundreds of done-for-you quotes in the Haute Stock library, so just head over to the InstaQuotes category and have a look, or you can also search by keyword once you’re in the category to narrow down your options!
Post on Micro-Holidays
Ever heard of #nationaltechnologyday or #nationalpinacoladaday? Hashtag holidays are a great way to post timely, relevant content that gets your community commenting. This January, there are lots of national micro-holidays or social media holidays to post about.
Luckily we’ve rounded up the National Micro-Holiday Calendar for January 2021 that you can view below so that you don’t miss a day!
Each month in the Haute Stock membership you’ll find a Micro-Holiday Calendar, Caption Prompts Calendar and a bonus Marketing guide!
We also have hundreds of images in the Haute Stock library that can be used for these hashtag holidays — in fact we have a National Micro Holiday Collection and a Food Holidays Collection. You can also search for the holiday hashtags in the library to get results, so it’s easy to find what you need to post!
There it is, your complete guide to what to post on social media in January 2021!
We’ve walked you through so many different kinds of post ideas, caption prompts, and given you tips on how to find the right stock photos to post on Instagram and social media.
With a little planning, you can create a full month’s worth of posts in no time flat. We love using Later or Planoly to visually plan our posts, add captions, and keep track of analytics so we know what our audience wants to see more of.
If you found this post helpful, we hope you’ll share it on social media!

Ready to simplify your marketing and grow your business in 2021?
Sign up for a Haute Stock Membership now and get instant access to THOUSANDS of stock photos, design assets, Canva templates & marketing guides to help you build your brand and grow your business in 2021!